“I have just experienced something amazing, I attended a workshop, where we were immersed in ice for a couple of minutes,” my friend and mind coach Tereza told me at the end of the August 2017. “Ok, well, this is something I definitely never need to experience, and to be honest, I don’t even want to hear about it.” I answered...

How are dreams born? Sometimes the same way as our was. At the beginning of 2017, I was browsing through a magazine and I came across a picture, which looked like a scene from a movie. There were ancient temples and hot air balloons soaring above them. 😊 Where is it? I need to see this! Burma? Where is that? I was circling my...

I open my eyes in the morning, and the first thing I see is my vision board; I have been creating these for several years at the turn of the year, and then they hang in my bedroom. The year 2017 will end soon and when I look at the picture opposite my bed I see that this year...

Each day that passes is the same as every other. When somebody asks you what things bring you joy, you don’t really know. Duties, duties, duties… The last time you felt joyful was in the primary school when you were running outside in the woods instead of doing homework. There were times that you got bruised and...

Have you ever asked yourself while on vacation: “Hmm, what if we could stay just one more week …”, and right away you sighed and accepted it was only a wish and agreed to the fact that it was just IMPOSSIBLE, and then you let it go… Have you ever said to yourself: “What if...

Time to time I go through days where my energy is down. I feel overworked, tired from children and their requirements, I am grumpy or I have a cold. The inspiration has left and things don’t happen the way I want them to. Quite simply “crappy” days. When these days happen, we can often feel like every other thing just adds the fuel to the...

“I’m a perfectionist, you know…?” This is one of the favorite excuses of why we don’t finish something, we don’t continue what we started, or even don’t start at all. You may know it very well… You are sitting for hours above an unfinished article for your blog and you continue deleting, updating, perfecting it...

“I’m just ordinary, I will never be as good as her”. That’s what one of my newly enrolled students in my Beach Business Online course said to me in February. And I understood. I felt completely the same when starting up my own business a few years ago. I was scared and was comparing myself to others. That’s why I felt that...

Do you ever ask, why your business doesn’t work as you would like? The answer is here: Many people start, for example, an online business, and they e-mail me after the first three months. “Hi, Stania. I started to write my own blog, published an eBook, but I’ve only had 5 sales and I only have...

It’s been a week since my third child was born, my son Yuri. We have been truly enjoying the first days since the first minutes, being at home from the beginning, with loving care of my partner and keen attention from my older daughters. I feel content. But this is not the topic of today’s article....