“I’m a perfectionist, you know…?” This is one of the favorite excuses of why we don’t finish something, we don’t continue what we started, or even don’t start at all.
You are sitting for hours above an unfinished article for your blog and you continue deleting, updating, perfecting it and still, you are not satisfied with the result. In the end, you delete all the text, because it’s EMBARRASSING, stupid, imperfect. Actually, it is all for nothing …
And your idea ends up in a trash and it will never see the light of day.
Just because you are a perfectionist.
You want to start a business, you even have an idea, but there’s a lot of confusions and BUTs. You’re trying to figure it out all in advance, so that it WOULD BE perfect and safe, and this thinking takes months and your business continues to exist just in your imaginations.
In reality, nothing is happening and you are just standing on the same spot. But you are saying to yourself that you will start as soon as you perfect all the details… but the truth is, that with this approach you will never start.
If this is your case, if you are a perfectionist, you want to have a perfect plan or a perfect result, then you need to know one thing that may surprise you.
Fear that if you’re not perfect, your results will not be accepted, you fail, you will be rejected. You believe that people will laugh at you because you will not reach such success as you would like. You wouldn’t earn as much money as you would like, you wouldn’t make the impression what you want to make, and so on.
And so, the perfectionists let themselves paralyze by fear and disguise it under the excuse that it’s the right way, that they only want to be perfect, that there’s nothing wrong with that.
Actually, there isn’t anything wrong with it, but if it holds you back so much, Ithat these things hamper your life or business or make them stagnate completely just because of your perfectionism, it’s time to do something about it.
Perfection cannot come out of anywhere on the first try. Handling something really great means, that you’re trying it, perfecting, rehearsing, making better, and proceed step by step, until you can tell one day that you are really great at it.
But you know what?
You have to begin by accepting the fact that you would not do the thing perfectly on the first try and that it is all right. Imperfect SOMETHING is better than a perfect NOTHING. :)