To Retire Young And Rich

As a fresh graduate from a grammar school, I discovered Robert Kiyosaki’s book called Retire Young Retire Rich in my dad’s bookcase. I didn’t really care about the content. What was fascinating me was the title. Yes. This was exactly what I pictured.

My plan wasn’t to become a slave of the system right after graduating and wait another forty years until I finally have time. The title got under my skin. I told myself that I could make it until I was thirty :D. Our class pre-graduation motto was “The journey has been long and rough… Hope we can make it!?” I didn’t have a clue back then how rough it was going to be :)

My Beach Business book is about my journey and you can read a part of it in my free eBook From A Stressed Out Mother To A Beach Entrepreneur. But what I want to talk about today is:

What it is like when you get there


I always used to get touched by stories, that pointed out how people on their deathbed never regretted what they had experienced, but they regretted all that they hadn’t done, hadn’t managed. A few years ago I stopped only listen to this and I decided to start living it. Not to wait until “One day” but go and fulfil my dreams. Everyday. Big and small ones.

I have always had different little dreams since I was small, but also a bunch of big ones. And I have gradually fulfilled them all in the past four years. To live in Spain for several months, spend winters in the tropical destinations, go hiking in the Himalayas, to be the best mommy, to have a wonderful relationship, to write a book, to experience a success, to earn a million.

But suddenly, there was a moment (this was a few weeks ago) when I realised

Moreover, I kept saying for a few weeks, that once the eight-week Beach Business course ended, I was going to have a total break for several months, I was going to do absolutely NOTHING.

And then there was the moment when I should start doing NOTHING.

To stop working and just be. And I really felt like I was retired. :D

I was solidly depressed for a few days. I know you may be clutching your head and saying to yourself that I can’t be serious right now!!! I have time for myself, I don’t have to do anything and I am depressed? You must be joking!


For a few days, I really felt like the only option was to set a new goal, a new dream and start a new marathon of a treasure hunt. But I already knew that a fulfilled dream wouldn’t bring one a lasting happiness. But on the other hand, an unfulfilled dream brings a feeling of vanity. And so we have a duty to our life to fulfil our dreams.

But what if all our dreams are met? I felt like I had cheated myself, I thought that when I meet all my dreams, the everlasting inner peace would come. But it didn’t. Of course, I have enjoyed the whole journey but kept having an EXPECTATION of what the outcome would be at the end.


And so I decided to give myself a day when I wouldn’t do ANYTHING and I was going to just sit and test, what would happen when I allowed myself to do NOTHING. To discover what was hiding behind this point when one fulfils all dreams. Do we really have to constantly keep chasing something? Do we really need to push forward all the time? Do we need to set other new goals?

And then I got it. The answer was so simple that I had to laugh at myself.

The happiness isn’t hidden in fulfilled dreams. It’s not about if we do something or if we don’t.

The happiness is in the PRESENT. Life is HERE AND NOW.

I was scared that if I fulfilled all my dreams and wishes, there would either be emptiness or I would have to fill my life with a new dream. But suddenly I realised I didn’t have to constantly fill my life with something. It is here and now in the present fulfilled enough itself. But nobody has ever taught me how to live in the present.

And I realised it’s OK to have other dreams and challenges and it doesn’t mean I have to chase them like crazy. Because I don’t doubt anymore I will meet them.

My friend David Kirs once mentioned in one of his videos that the first million in the bank account changes everything. I couldn’t get what he meant back then. Now I understand. By a big fulfilled dream you realise that the happiness doesn’t come from the fulfilled dream. The happiness either is or isn’t. Here and now. Never tomorrow, never in the finale. In the finale, there is a euphory, but when it fades off, your normal life appears back. No great transformation or a change happens. It will always be you and your essence.


So what’s going on is to live a life you want to tell, every day. 

To live every day to the fullest, according to your ideas. 

To be the person you want to become today. 

Not to wait until you have time when you retire… 

To live a story you want to tell. NOW. 

Do you have my

(yes, i am shipping worldwide)

Do you wish to live a life you don\'t need a vacation from?

A life, where you have the freedom to live freely, happily and to the fullest? 

This is what the Beach Business book is all about... 
Welcome to my World.....
lives her life to the fullest and makes her dreams come true, even the craziest ones, every day. A few years ago, she decided she didn't want the days to pass by in vain like sand in an hourglass. She is a woman, a mother of two daughters and one son, a partner of a great man, online marketing expert and a successful entrepreneur.

Stania is an author of a Beach Business book, Beach Business online course and an eBook From a Stressed Out Mother to a Beach Entrepreneur. She inspires people how to live freely, happily and to the fullest. Teaches them how to use the potential of the internet and online marketing, so that they can start a journey of their dreams and run their business from a beach.

Read more about Stania

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