I Am Just Ordinary, I Will Never be as Good as Her

“I’m just ordinary, I will never be as good as her”. That’s what one of my newly enrolled students in my Beach Business Online course said to me in February. And I understood. I felt completely the same when starting up my own business a few years ago. I was scared and was comparing myself to others.

That’s why I felt that surely this girl couldn’t be the only one who had these feelings of her own insufficiency. And it gave me the inspiration to write this blog post. :)

At the beginning of February 2017, more than 520 people started their beach business journey in my online course. What usually happens is that initial steps are full of excitement, blissful creativity but, then the doubts, worries and fear kick in. 

Newbies can see the previous year’s course attendees who started one or two years ago and who now successfully sell their eBooks or online courses. And they seem to be sooo far away and sooo unreachable.

You don’t really have to be new to Beach Business to recognise those feelings. They belong to any other beginnings in our lives.

It’s very easy to fall into the trap called “I can’t do it, I am not good enough, I’m not as good as her, the girl who I’ve seen doing her own webinar or from who I’ve just read the superb article”.

You may watch successful business owners or athletes on Facebook, see your friends’ photos and experiences. You admire successes of others. But somewhere deep inside, there is something whispering…

“I will never be able to do this…”

I know these thoughts quite well. When I started studying foreign online business leaders a few years ago, I was full of admiration and said to myself, that to know only a little fraction of what they could do would just do for me.

At that time, I couldn’t even imagine that anyone would read my articles or that I would earn money on the Internet the way these successful online entrepreneurs, I’d been learning from, do.

It seemed absolutely absurd. Well, I was hundred percent sure that I would never be able to get to this point.

Why? I just couldn’t imagine, that I, (an ordinary girl from the Czech Republic) could achieve something like my icons of that time, such was Timothy Ferris (author of Four Hour Work Week) or Pat Flynn (author of blog Smart Passive Income)

Earning money on the Internet, and having my own Beach Business. Living a life full of wishes and dreams coming true. Travelling, taking kids to hot exotic countries during the winter. 


I must admit that it seemed totally IMPOSSIBLE.

Despite all, it didn’t put me off. I wanted it so badly that I was willing to go over all hurdles that life would bring. And there were few. Most of them inside me, inside my head.

What was I afraid of? Mainly that:

  • I wasn’t good enough
  • My friends would laugh at me and I would get embarrassed
  • I wouldn’t manage technically
  • It wouldn’t work
  • I was afraid of opening myself and being authentic
  • I was afraid of publishing my own opinions
  • I feared to show the whole world what was until then only hidden in my head. To put my thoughts and feelings on my blog or to an eBook
  • I was scared to come out of my shell
  • To risk embarrassment, laughter, and negative comments
  • I was worried that it only worked for the celebrities, but it wouldn’t work for me
  • I was afraid that I wasn’t competent and skilled enough

There are so many fears that we have starting-up a business, no wonder many people pull out of Beach Business idea before they even make the first step. :)

I’m not as good as HER

The most frequent problem is “I am Not Good Enough”. People at the start usually compare to those who are many steps further and have been running their businesses for a while.

While I am writing this article my 10 months old son is peacefully sleeping next to me. He certainly isn’t as good at walking or speaking as his sisters who are eight and ten. Not even close. He could just say to himself that he will never be able to do it, why bother? In his position, it really looks like an unrealistic goal to achieve.

But he doesn’t give up. He simply can’t. He has to develop, it’s in nature. :)


It’s the same case in business. You can’t skip the development and get from zero to one hundred instantly and achieve immediate success. You can’t expect to do everything right straight away, write fantastic articles, record videos, sell successful eBooks, books, organize webinars for hundreds of people, manage all necessary apps technically, understand marketing, etc.

It doesn’t make any sense to compare yourself with people who had started their businesses a lot earlier and were in the same phase, as you are now, a few years ago. 

Step by step, you can learn everything. But you have to do it with patience, do not give up and keep going. 

In a year or two, you may laugh at your beginnings, the same as I laugh at mine now. But those beginnings are absolutely necessary. You can’t skip the development without the journey in between. It’s the journey itself, where we learn everything important for becoming masters. :)

As one of my great teachers, T.Harv Eker, says: “Every master was once a disaster.”

When you are born, you can’t walk or talk right away. You can’t even imagine that the new-born will be able to read, write, count, run, walk and laugh one day. Despite this, no parent has doubts that the baby won’t learn it, not even the baby itself. And it continuously progresses in his or her development, day by day.


You have made it as toddler, you can manage today :)

Of course, it’s a little more difficult. Now you have the friend named ‘Fear’, who has a lot to say. Right after you’d learnt how to speak, he’d learnt it too. He has his own opinion and tries to put you off every time you think of something new and unknown.

If you are taking up either a new sport or a new business, cake baking, knitting, having a new baby or a new driving license, there will always be a moment, when you see all the people who have already done it, walked the way and have the know-how. 

And the whole journey will be just laid in front of you and you sense it won’t be easy.


It may be long and not very smooth :)

At the beginning of any journey, you always have two options. You can take the longer path or the shorter path.

You can either choose if the people before you will inspire and motivate you, believe that even you can make it, however, you have to accept, the journey won’t be easy. Or you can cripple yourself saying you are not good enough and never will be as good as the others. You can let the fear overcome you.

The first path will require courage, energy and the motivation to learn new skills and mainly your power to walk over all the hard things, which naturally belong to this kind of path. When you were learning to walk you might have fallen a hundred times, but for the hundred and once you got up and made another step. It wasn’t easy. It won’t be easy in any other new skill that you want to learn.

And there is the other option. To make a decision that you are not good enough. In one point, it’s easier. You simply give up and you don’t have to do anything else. You can complain about circumstances, not enough talent, higher power or faith. And that’s going to be it.

We always have a choice in life.  It’s up to us to decide if we want to be winners or losers. To be a winner it usually means to taking a much longer and rougher path. But when you look back you know it was totally worth it!


Do you wish to live a life you don\'t need a vacation from?

A life, where you have the freedom to live freely, happily and to the fullest? 

This is what the Beach Business book is all about... 
Welcome to my World..... 


Do you have my

(yes, i am shipping worldwide)

Do you wish to live a life you don\'t need a vacation from?

A life, where you have the freedom to live freely, happily and to the fullest? 

This is what the Beach Business book is all about... 
Welcome to my World..... 

lives her life to the fullest and makes her dreams come true, even the craziest ones, every day. A few years ago, she decided she didn't want the days to pass by in vain like sand in an hourglass. She is a woman, a mother of two daughters and one son, a partner of a great man, online marketing expert and a successful entrepreneur.

Stania is an author of a Beach Business book, Beach Business online course and an eBook From a Stressed Out Mother to a Beach Entrepreneur. She inspires people how to live freely, happily and to the fullest. Teaches them how to use the potential of the internet and online marketing, so that they can start a journey of their dreams and run their business from a beach.

Read more about Stania

You can e-mail Stania stania@stania.com and join Beach Business on Facebook